Global Azure Bootcamp Switzerland 2018
Today I had the pleasure of co-presenting with my Colleague Stephan at the Global Azure Bootcamp Switzerland in Zürich. As there has been a recent addition to Stephan’s family he wasn’t able to come to Zürich this time, but in today’s world you just take a tiny Jabra USB speaker on the go and ready is the remote presenting interface in Skype for Business. This post is a little follow up on the session, sharing some background links. Also, there were some questions afterwards and instead of writing different emails in private, I decided to blog about it and just share the link. Bringing the spirit of “sharing is caring” from SharePoint / Office Dev Patterns and Practices to the Azure community, right? The session was about Stephan’s project called “Homie” – A language understanding bot for smart homes. We talked about how you can use a chatbot based on the Microsoft Bot Framework and LUIS and wire it up to use AzureIoT Hub for communication with a RaspberryPi. The idea is that you tell the chatbot to turn the lights on or off in a given room. The bot uses LUIS to identify your intent, recognises commands and objects and triggers a command flow in AzureIoT Hub. From there it’s only a small step to actually get the command to the RaspberryPi and switch on the lights on our demo led module. The whole setup looked something like this: This was our test run before the session. And here the working system:
Everything turned out good, the demo gods were kind and even the remote setup was flawless. As there were some questions afterwards, I just do a little list of links here pointing to different articles for further reading: A comparison of the different cognitive services out there Tech Showcase: Custom Vision Service Computer vision made easy: From pre-trained models to Custom Vision, Microsoft Cognitive Services ha Custom Vision from Cognitive Services: easily build a custom image classifier Building image classification using the Microsoft AI platform - BRK3334 <– The one with the background info on machine learning Sonya Koptyev’s tweet on what demos to expect from Build on AI (drones!!!11!!) A complete guide on the solution on Stephans’ blog and a German version here Azure Sphere announcement from April 16th, 2018 Jeremy Thake’s post on the chatbots and how they don’t replace apps And of course our slides: Big thanks and kudos to the Azure Zürich User Group for setting this up and let’s hope for more events in the future.